- main page
- prints for sale.
- playgrounds to generate art from curves using specific math formulas
- create your own spirograph art!
- create your own lissajous art!
- view art in motion.
- each hour a different kaleidoscope image is featured.
- experience rapidly changing art. A new image is available every second.
- art prints for sale
- abstract art
- two-mirror kaleidoscope designs
- fractal images
- amorphous colors and swirls
- repeated elements and patterns
- spirograph artwork
- all categories combined
- my favorites
- images added in reverse order
- grab free wallpaper for your computer
- challenging logic puzzles and games
- 14 new sudoku puzzles each day
- a mastermind clone
- two-dimensional Mental Stretch
- similar to Lights Out but with challenging variations
- original challenging puzzle with many varieties
- original puzzle with multiple variations
- 15 puzzle digit game
- image puzzle
- classic game. Features Stats, Pick X or O, Alternate starting player
- mathematical info and helps
- Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator
- flip a coin, see stats, two calculators
- generate math test pages for practice or for quizzes. Answer page optional.
- calculate school grades
- miscellaneous things of interest
- a different bible verse is featured each day.
- monthly calendar with moon phases. May be printed.
- Kaleidosocpe videos.
- Free Tiled Backgrounds.
- Color playground
- Information about Art by Logic
- Artist statement and website history
- some questions answered
- how to contact us